Following an extensive search, we are thrilled to announce that Sacha Haque will be assuming the role of President...
Following an extensive search, we are thrilled to announce that Sacha Haque will be...
Learn moreAt the last Annual General Meeting of the R. Howard Webster Foundation, Chair Lucy Riddell announced the retirement of...
At the last Annual General Meeting of the R. Howard Webster Foundation, Chair Lucy...
Learn moreCovid-19 Emergency Response (Updated September 10, 2021) The Foundation is pleased to support the following organizations across Canada with...
Covid-19 Emergency Response (Updated September 10, 2021) The Foundation is pleased to support the...
Learn moreThe R. Howard Webster Foundation is both saddened and shocked by the senseless acts that took place in Nova...
The R. Howard Webster Foundation is both saddened and shocked by the senseless acts...
Learn moreDEADLINE TO APPLY FOR COVID-19 EMERGENCY GRANT: JULY 31, 2020 As a strong supporter of inspiring initiatives in the...
DEADLINE TO APPLY FOR COVID-19 EMERGENCY GRANT: JULY 31, 2020 As a strong supporter...
Learn morePrincipled philanthropy The R. Howard Webster Foundation supports dialogue & guidelines on philanthropy… The R. Howard Webster Foundation’s early...
Principled philanthropy The R. Howard Webster Foundation supports dialogue & guidelines on philanthropy… The...
Learn moreBoys and Girls Clubs of Canada Throughout their 118-year history, Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada have provided safe, caring environments...
Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada Throughout their 118-year history, Boys and Girls Clubs of...
Learn moreThis year’s “top billing” goes to Canada in celebration of our 150th birthday. There were expensive parties all over...
This year’s “top billing” goes to Canada in celebration of our 150th birthday. There...
Learn more