Grant Application Procedures

How to Apply for a Grant

The R. Howard Webster Foundation only makes grants, subject to funding restrictions, to qualified donees under the Income Tax Act Canada.  In order to apply for a grant, the Foundation’s application form must be completed and submitted with the grant proposal.

Failure to submit the application form with your grant application will cause an automatic rejection.


  • A detailed description of your organization, including history, purpose and activities.
  • A detailed description of the project/program/campaign and the rationale for support.
  • What is the expected impact of the project in terms of benefit, improvement, and development of Canadian society?
  • A yearly detailed budget for the project, the amount requested from the Foundation, and over what time frame.
  • What organizations or groups will be involved in the project?
  • What other programs/organizations are providing or undertaking similar work?
  • Do you share information and project outcomes? If yes, with whom?
  • What is the expected timeline for your project/campaign?
  • What are your sources (or expected sources) of revenue?
  • What other funders have been approached?
  • The total amount of funding confirmed to date, from the following funding sources:
    • Government
    • Corporations
    • Foundations
    • Individuals
  • The project shortfall and expected sources of funding for the shortfall.
  • In the event the project does not receive adequate financial support, will you proceed with it or how will it be modified?

Please have your Canada Revenue Agency charity registration number ready, as it will be required on the application form.


  • Most recent audited financial statements
  • Most recent operating budget
  • Annual report
  • List of your board of directors & senior staff

The Foundation prefers that the application form, grant proposal, and other required documents be submitted electronically using the online application form.

Alternatively, the PDF application form, grant proposal, and other required documents may be submitted to the attention of the Grants Officer by email: [email protected] or by mail to:

Grants Officer

R. Howard Webster Foundation
Suite 2912
1155 Rene-Levesque Blvd. West
Montreal, QC  H3B 2L5