Grant Application Procedures

Kindly note that the Foundation is currently not accepting funding applications.  Given the Foundation’s existing funding commitments and multi-year engagements, we have reached our full granting capacity for 2025.  We look forward to reopening the application process in the Fall.



How to Apply for a Grant

The R. Howard Webster Foundation only makes grants, subject to funding restrictions, to qualified donees under the Income Tax Act Canada.  In order to apply for a grant, the Foundation’s application form must be completed and submitted with the grant proposal.

Failure to submit the application form with your grant application will cause an automatic rejection.


  • A detailed description of your organization, including history, purpose and activities.
  • A detailed description of the project/program/campaign and the rationale for support.
  • What is the expected impact of the project in terms of benefit, improvement, and development of Canadian society?
  • A yearly detailed budget for the project, the amount requested from the Foundation, and over what time frame.
  • What organizations or groups will be involved in the project?
  • What other programs/organizations are providing or undertaking similar work?
  • Do you share information and project outcomes? If yes, with whom?
  • What is the expected timeline for your project/campaign?
  • What are your sources (or expected sources) of revenue?
  • What other funders have been approached?
  • The total amount of funding confirmed to date, from the following funding sources:
    • Government
    • Corporations
    • Foundations
    • Individuals
  • The project shortfall and expected sources of funding for the shortfall.
  • In the event the project does not receive adequate financial support, will you proceed with it or how will it be modified?


  • Most recent audited financial statements
  • Most recent operating budget
  • Annual report
  • List of your board of directors & senior staff