Welcome Home to Canada program – A Shared Commitment to Diversity & Welcoming Newcomers to Canada
Welcoming newcomers to Canada is as significant today as it was when Pier 21 served as an immigration gateway. The Museum is able to carry on its tradition of lending a helping hand to newcomers making their start here through the Welcome Home to Canada (WHTC) program presented by TD Bank Group and supported by the R. Howard Webster Foundation (
The WHTC program provides six-month paid work experience at the Museum to new immigrants and refugees facing various barriers to employment. This opportunity, often the first meaningful job for most participants, is a valuable stepping stone in their path towards settlement and integration. In addition to engaging with Museum visitors, sharing their stories, and gaining valuable work experience, program participants learn Canadian work place culture while developing communications skills and building professional and personal networks. The program includes English language classes, presentation and interview preparation workshops, networking opportunities, work placement opportunities with a second employer and participation in a career fair. Since its launch in June 2004, 186 new immigrants from 60 different countries have participated in the program. The program has a high success rate where at least 70% of program participants either secure employment, return to school or open their own businesses after completing the program, usually within 3-6 months. They build lasting relationships with the Museum and return to Museum events like Canada Day, bringing their friends and families to visit exhibits and programs.
The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 is the sixth national museum in Canada and only the second outside of Ottawa. It is entrusted to collect, share and pay tribute to the Canadian immigration story. The WHTC program allows Canadians to explore Canada’s immigration story by having newcomers be part of the experience. At the same time, it demonstrates its commitment to celebrating Canada’s rich ethnic diversity and shows that the Museum is not only preserving the stories of newcomers to Canada, but is also helping to shape them. For more information, please visit their website at:
Welcome Home to Canada program offers a helping hand to newcomers