Earth Rangers
Earth Rangers is the kids’ conservation organization, dedicated to educating children and their families about biodiversity, inspiring them to adopt sustainable behaviours, and empowering them to become directly involved in protecting animals and their habitats. With over 200,000 members across Canada, Earth Rangers is the largest youth conservation organization globally. Their programs provide kids with tangible activities, real-life conservation projects and engaging content – but more importantly, they provide a sense of belonging, optimism and proof that when we all work together, we can make a difference.
The R. Howard Webster Foundation is investing in Earth Rangers’ Mission to create a generation of conservationists. Through Earth Rangers’ inspirational in-school, online and community engagement programs, they will empower youth across Canada to take actions for conservation and environmental stewardship year round.
Past funding from the Foundation, toward the Bring Back the Wild Program, has helped ensure that species like the pine martens continue to have a safe place to call home. As part of this program, Earth Rangers supported TNC Canada in their collaboration with local First Nations communities, the Manitoba Government and industry to develop a land-use plan within 22 million acres of boreal forest.
To learn more about Earth Rangers and their programs, visit Earth Rangers.