Apathy is Boring’s new project, 150 Years Young, aims to encourage civic engagement among young Canadians
Apathy is Boring is a national, non-partisan charitable organization that uses art and technology to educate youth about democracy. The R. Howard Webster Foundation is pleased to be able to invest in Apathy is Boring’s newest project, 150 Years Young, a Canada 150 Signature Initiative that aims to encourage civic engagement among young Canadians. Through Creative Interventions, Apathy is Boring’s 150 Years Young project will acknowledge and feature millennials’ diverse contributions and mobilize their potential in building more resilient communities across Canada. Community partners will work alongside 12 City Ambassadors from Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, and Vancouver to collect photos and stories that illustrate the ways millennials make a difference. The photos and captions will be shared online and projected on buildings in five cities. Youth volunteers will conduct outreach alongside the projection installations in order to encourage community engagement among their peers. The project was made possible with support from Canadian Heritage, the R. Howard Webster Foundation and VIA Rail Canada. Community partners include the Canadian Red Cross, Engineers Without Borders, the National Association of Friendship Centres, Canadian Roots Exchange, and Big Brothers Big Sisters, among many others.
The project’s 12 ambassadors and Executive Director, Caro Loutfi
For more information on Apathy is Boring, please visit their website at: http://www.apathyisboring.com/