Our Grantees

Our Grantees

Select the year for which you wish to see the list of grantees


  • Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
    • STEAM Space project
  • Arthritis Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
    • Centre of Excellence in Precision Medicine for Arthritis and Autoimmune Disease
  • Arts Umbrella Association, Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Atlantic Salmon Federation, St. Andrews, New Brunswick
    • Wild Salmon Watersheds project
  • Auberge Madeleine, Montréal, Québec
  • Auberge Shalom pour femmes, Montréal, Québec


  • Beechwood Cemetery Foundation (The), Ottawa, Ontario
    • RCMP National Memorial Cemetery
  • Bishop’s College School Foundation, Sherbrooke, Québec
    • Scholar-in-Residence program
  • Book Clubs for Inmates, Toronto, Ontario
  • Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital Foundation, Cowansville, Québec
    • Rise Capital Campaign


  • Camp Canak, Kedgwick, New Brunswick
  • Camp Massawippi – Centre Mackay, Ayer’s Cliff, Québec
    • Dining Hall Revitalization Campaign
  • Canada Cycles for Kids, Hudson, Québec
  • Canadian Cancer Society/Cole Foundation, Montréal, Québec
    • Collaborative Research Fund on pediatric and young adult cancers
  • Canadian Canoe Museum, Peterborough, Ontario
    • Inspiring Canada – by canoe campaign
  • Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, Ontario
    • Gravity & the Extreme Universe Program
  • Canadian Railway Museum, St. Constant, Québec
  • Canadian Red Cross, Ottawa, Ontario
    • Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal
    • Hurricane Fiona in Canada Appeal
  • Canuck Place Children’s Hospice, Vancouver, British Columbia
    • Enhanced Community Care Program
  • Cape Breton Regional Library, Sydney, Nova Scotia
    • Library Legacy Book Fund
  • Casey House Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
    • Supervised Consumption Services
  • Centaur Theatre Company, Montréal, Québec
  • Centre de pédiatrie sociale Laval, Laval, Québec
    • A Marvelous Summer on a Fantastic Island Project
  • Centre for Mindfulness Studies, Toronto, Ontario
  • Centre National de Cyclisme de Bromont, Bromont, Québec
    • Centre National de Cyclisme de Bromont
  • Chez Doris, Montréal, Québec
    • Chez Doris, Day and Night campaign
  • Children’s Book Bank and Literacy Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
    • Book Bank
  • Children’s Hearing & Speech Centre of BC, Vancouver, British Columbia
    • Specialized Early Education Program
  • Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario
    • Priority/Annual Needs of the CHEO Palliative Care Unit and Roger Neilson House
  • Choices for Youth, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
    • Outreach and Youth Engagement Program
  • Christ Church Cathedral, Montréal, Québec
    • Rising Up! From the Heart of Montreal Major Fundraising Campaign
  • Community Living Toronto (LIGHTS Fund), Toronto, Ontario
    • Capital Resource Fund
  • Community Music Schools of Toronto (formerly Regent Park School of Music), Toronto, Ontario
    • Parkscapes Music Program for Youth
  • Concordia University, Montréal, Québec
    • Student Emergency Food Fund
  • COVID-19 Emergency Response
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Canada Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
  • Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC, Vancouver, British Columbia
    • Mindful Skills for Everyday Living Project


  • Dans La Rue, Montréal, Québec
  • Danse Danse, Montréal, Québec
  • Défi Canderel, Montréal, Québec
  • Douglas College Foundation, New Westminster, British Columbia
    • Student Teams Exploring Pervasive Urban Problems (STEP UP) Project


  • Ecojustice Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia
    • Coalition for Action on Toxics project
  • Enactus Canada, Toronto, Ontario
    • Enactus Marketing Growth Plan
  • Eureka Support Society, Courtenay, British Columbia
  • Evergreen, Toronto, Ontario
    • Resilient Ravines – Master Planning project
  • Experiences Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
    • This! Is Canada program


  • Fondation Accueil Bonneau, Montréal, Québec
  • Fondation de l’athlète d’excellence du Québec, Montréal, Québec
    • Bursaries
  • Fondation des Logis Rose-Virginie, Montréal, Québec
    • 'Prévenir pour réussir' program
  • Fondation du Centre le Havre, Trois-Rivière, Québec
  • Fondation du Dr. Julien, Montréal, Québec
  • Fondation du Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Montréal, Québec
    • Transforming the MAC campaign
  • Food Banks of Quebec, Longueuil, Québec
    • Supermarket Recovery Program
  • Foundation for Social Change, Vancouver, British Columbia
    • New Leaf Project
  • Fraser-Hickson Institute (The), Montréal, Québec
    • MinibiblioPLUS project
  • French for the Future, Toronto, Ontario


  • George Brown College Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
    • Hidden Talents Project
  • Giant Steps Foundation, Montréal, Québec
    • Giant Steps Autism Centre
  • Green Thumbs Growing Kids, Toronto, Ontario
  • Greene Center, Westmount, Québec
  • Groupe Action Nouvelle Vie, Longueuil, Québec
    • 'Le 2159' project


  • Habilitas Foundation (formerly Centre Action), Montréal, Québec
  • Habilitas Foundation (formerly MAB-Mackay Foundation), Montréal, Québec
  • Herstreet Foundation, Montréal, Québec
    • More than a Roof... Healing Homelessness campaign
  • Hope Air, Toronto, Ontario
    • HealthNet 2.0
  • Horizons of Friendship, Cobourg, Ontario
    • Safe Haven Project
  • Hospice for Eating Disorders, Toronto, Ontario
  • Hospice Society of Greater Halifax, Halifax, Nova Scotia
    • Patient Spa project


  • Jeffery Hale Community Partners, Quebec City, Québec
    • English-speaking 21+ special needs individuals
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
    • Accelerating Stem-Cell-Based Therapies for Type 1 Diabetes project


  • Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario
    • Achievement Program
  • Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation, Pointe-Claire, Québec
    • Life Can Change in an Instant capital campaign
  • Last Post Fund, Pointe-Claire, Québec
  • Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific & United World Colleges (Canada) Inc., Victoria, British Columbia
    • Climate Action Leadership Diploma
  • Lighthouse, Children and Families (The), Montréal, Québec
    • Symptom Management & End-of-Life Care
  • Loran Scholars Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
    • Loran Scholars Program
  • Lower Canada College, Montréal, Québec
    • Vision 20/20: Global Pathways Campaign


  • Maison du Parc, Montréal, Québec
    • Food and Nutrition Program
  • Maison Jeunes-Est, Sherbrooke, Québec
    • Accès 5 Program
  • Massawippi Foundation, Canton-de-Hatley, Québec
    • TRAILS project
  • McCord Stewart Museum (The), Montréal, Québec
  • McGill University, Montréal, Québec
    • McGill-Trafalgar CoLab Project
  • Montcrest School, Toronto, Ontario
    • Building Together project
  • Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation, Montréal, Québec
    • Pediatric Care of Ukrainian Children
  • Montreal Children’s Library, Montréal, Québec
  • Montreal Chinese Hospital Foundation, Montréal, Québec
  • Montreal Economic Institute, Montréal, Québec
  • Montreal Highland Games Society (The), Montréal, Québec
  • Montreal Neurological Hospital and Institute, Montréal, Québec
    • Brenda Milner Fellowships in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Research
  • MUHC Foundation, Montréal, Québec
    • Drs. Cruess Campaign, Trottier Webster Innovation Award at the Research Institute
  • Murphy Centre Inc., St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
    • TECHPREP initiative
  • Muscular Dystrophy Canada, Toronto, Ontario
    • Personal Empowerment Program - Québec
  • Musée du Château Ramezay, Montréal, Québec
  • Musicounts, Toronto, Ontario
    • Band Aid program
  • Muskoka Steamships & Discovery Centre, Gravenhurst, Ontario
    • Revitalization project - Landscape of Nations exhibit


  • Nature Conservancy of Canada, Toronto, Ontario
    • Prince Edward Island Natural Heritage Plan
  • Nature Trust of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick
  • Neighbourhood Works, St. Stephen, New Brunswick
    • Vulnerable Youth Program
  • New Beginnings Support Program, Toronto, Ontario
    • Step into Success & Humber College Program
  • New Brunswick Medical Education Foundation Inc., Rothesay, New Brunswick
  • New Hope Senior Citizen’s Centre, Montréal, Québec
  • North Hatley Library Association, North Hatley, Québec
    • 125th anniversary capital campaign
  • Nova Home Care, Montréal, Québec
  • Nova West Island, Beasconsfield, Québec


  • Old Brewery Mission, Montréal, Québec
    • See the End of Homelessness Campaign
  • Ontario Track 3 Ski Association for the Disabled, Etobicoke, Ontario
  • Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural & Educational Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba
    • Immersive World of Ukrainian Art exhibition


  • Pacific Parkinson’s Research Institute, Vancouver, British Columbia
    • Transforming Care for Parkinson’s Disease projects
  • PEI Farm Centre Association, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
    • Horticultural Therapy program
  • Petits entrepreneurs, Québec City, Québec
    • The Big Day for Small Entrepreneurs Project
  • Phelps Helps, Stanstead, Québec
    • High School Tutoring Program
  • Philanthropic Foundations of Canada, Montréal, Québec
  • Phoenix Youth Programs, Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Presbyterian College (The), Montreal, Montréal, Québec
  • Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation (The), Toronto, Ontario
    • Chair in Medical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence
  • Productions Porte Parole (Les), Montréal, Québec
    • Documentary Creation Centre


  • Quebec Lodge Foundation, Ayer’s Cliff, Québec
    • Outdoor Centre


  • Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, Montréal, Québec
    • Heroes of Humanity project - Empowering Women – Empowering Humanity project
  • reBOOT Canada, Toronto, Ontario
    • Community reLAY Program
  • Rideau Hall Foundation, Ottawa, Ontario
    • Endowment Fund
  • Royal Canadian Geographical Society, Ottawa, Ontario
    • Can Geo Education Programming initiatives


  • Saint Columba House, Montréal, Québec
    • Removing Roadblocks project
  • Salvation Army (The) – Québec Division, Montréal, Québec
  • Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre (The), Toronto, Ontario
    • RECOVER Long-Term Ventilation Program
  • Saskatchewan Natural History Society (Nature Saskatchewan), Regina, Saskatchewan
    • Stewards of Saskatchewan project
  • Sault-Saint-Louis Palliative Care Residence, Montréal, Québec
    • To Create A Haven of Peace & Humanity campaign
  • Second Harvest, Toronto, Ontario
  • SeedChange, Ottawa, Ontario
    • Global Program
  • Selwyn House Association, Westmount, Québec
    • Professional Development Fund for the Student Success Centre
  • Share the Warmth Foundation, Montréal, Québec
    • El Sistema Project
  • SQUAT Basse-Ville, Quebec City, Québec
  • St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia
    • Chair in Canada-US Economic Relations
  • St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, Cornwall, Ontario
    • OutsideIN programs
  • St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation, Montréal, Québec
  • St. Paul’s Foundation of Vancouver, Vancouver, New Brunswick
    • Simulation Program
  • St. Raphael Palliative Care Home and Day Centre, Montréal, Québec
    • Major fundraising campaign
  • St. Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick
    • Youth Matters project
  • Stanstead College, Stanstead, Québec
    • Grade 12 co-ed residence project
  • Streetohome Foundation, Vancouver, British Columbia
    • Vancouver Harbour Light Capital Campaign - 22 Early Recovery/Addiction Treatment spaces for women
  • Sun Youth Organization, Montréal, Québec


  • TakingITGlobal Youth Association, Toronto, Ontario
    • Connected North program
  • Teresa Dellar Palliative Care Residence Foundation Inc. (formerly West Island Palliative Care Residence Foundation), Kirkland, Québec
    • Caring & Sharing Under One Roof Campaign
  • Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), Toronto, Ontario
    • J-Source project
  • Toujours Ensemble, Montréal, Québec
  • Trails Youth Initiatives, Newmarket, Ontario


  • UHN Foundation (formerly Toronto General & Western Hospital Foundation), Toronto, Ontario
    • Clinical Islet Transplant Program
    • Fellowship Program at the Centre for Research in Applied Neural Implant Applications “CRANIA”
  • Under the Spire Music Festival, Kensington, Prince Edward Island
  • Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec
    • Using Green Chemistry to Mitigate Alzheimer’s Disease project
  • University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
    • Brain Imaging & Child Development Fellowship program
  • University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
    • Policy and Impact Fund Project at the Institute for Pandemics
  • Up With Women, Toronto, Ontario


  • VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, Vancouver, British Columbia
    • ED Living Lab
    • SAFE-T project
  • Villa Pierrot, Magog, Québec
  • Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society, Surrey, British Columbia
    • Volunteer-Serviced Rides program


  • Welcome Collective (The), Montréal, Québec
  • Welcome Hall Mission, Montréal, Québec
  • Weredale Foundation, Hudson, Québec
    • Equipment for Camp Weredale
  • West Coast Railway Association, Squamish, British Columbia
    • Educational program for youth
  • Western Regional Hospital Foundation, Corner Brook, Newfoundland & Labrador
    • Priority/annual medical equipment campaign
  • Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, Toronto, Ontario
    • Comprehensive Bat Conservation Initiative in Western Canada
    • Wolverine Program
  • Women’s College Hospital Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
    • Women’s Virtual Plan


  • YWCA of Québec, Quebec City, Québec