R. Howard Webster, his philanthropy, and BGC Canada (formerly Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada) have a very long history together dating back more than 70 years. Mr. Webster was an anonymous, modest funder of clubs in and around the Montreal area for many years, but in 1957 he broke with his tradition and provided significant funding for the Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club located on Westmoreland Avenue in Toronto, Ontario. Recognizing the importance of this club to the youth and community it served, he continued to champion Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada both at the national and local levels. From some of the first breakfast programs in Canada, to drug awareness programs, to after school programs, his helping hand was present. He encouraged his extended family to participate wherever possible, both on a volunteer and financial basis. Today, his legacy to Canada, the R. Howard Webster Foundation, continues to support the innovative and progressive programs and projects designed to help Canada’s youth.